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Sunday, November 27, 2011

November Week 5: Stay Classy, Provo

Back in August when we first came up with our list of goals, we both laughed when we came to this week. We had already filled in the rest of the calendar with lots of emotional, mental and spiritual ideologies- trying to politely overlook the obvious:

"You need to become the type of person you want to marry." 
Neither of our lists included things like 'dark hair, blue eyes.'
However, psychological studies show that you gravitate to people who are on your same general level of attractiveness. (Ask Google if you don't believe me; I am not making this up!) So that said, as people of normal attractiveness, we recognize that we would both like to end up with people who are also of normal attractiveness. 

And we knew that this would be a critical time in our semester- right after a week of Thanksgiving gluttony, and right at the beginning of Library Lockdown: Finals 2011. It is easy to skip the seemingly regular, civilized things people do like getting dressed, wearing makeup, showering, etc., when it seems like your GPA is about to teeter off a ledge and into a giant chasm. But being gross feels gross (after the first few days.) Therefore, we have taken a preemptive strike against looking like we've just returned from a week at Girls Camp by making it a priority to:

Be physically attractive- take care of our bodies- be classy.

There are already way too many blogs out there advocating the benefits of healthy eating and exercise. This week, we pledge to follow the Word of Wisdom and do these things in moderation. Time for Lauren to bundle up and run the streets of Provo.... and go grocery shopping for real food. (no, literally- I have NOTHING but condiments, half a can of soup and a few frozen strawberries.)

But beyond that, we are going to work on our INNER BEAUTY!! #IloveYoungWomen's

"No amount of time in front of the mirror will make you as attractive as having the Holy Ghost with you."

True that, Sheri! Personally, the people I am most attracted to (on all levels) are the ones who are
confident and happy.

Besides a haircut, there is really nothing that we can change about ourselves overnight. I'm not pretending that I don't like to look pretty, because I do. And I try- sometimes  I try really hard.
BUT let us all remember that being cute can only get you so far or last for so long- so hopefully, that is not the place we base our worth.

Taking care of yourself and your body means remembering who you are:
I am a daughter of God.

Luckily, the way I look is not my most defining quality. Your true friends are the ones who like you because you are kind, smart, funny and interesting... not because you know how to assemble a good outfit.

(...but just for the record, we can do that, too.)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November Weeks 1, 2, 3, ... and 4

1.) Consecrate our time to things that really matter
My only comment on this is that perhaps blogging wasn't what really mattered, at this point.
2.) Be intellectually curious and discuss it with others
... and obviously we were so busy conversing and exploring that we submitted just a single blogpost...
3.) Be a hard worker- put whole heart into whatever you’re doing
... need I mention that we were so fully invested in school, friendships, and work that we didn't blog?
4.) Develop good friendships- reassess our most important relationships

I am going to address this topic in FOUR ways (for it's the FOURTH week!)

Relationships with Peers (aka Friendships)
Being at BYU is amazing, let me tell you.
You walk around with the recognition that every body has the potential to be your best friend. I mean, you can find people who appreciate the Gospel, Disney, and family.

BAM. Best friends. You can just party in the Harold B. Lee Library study rooms, watch musicals, and eat cheap foods.

But friendships are supposed to be more.
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being."
We have the opportunity in our lives to learn from those around us as well as help others grow.  Furthermore, as friends we can provide service.
God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in the kingdom.
- Spencer W. Kimball

Romantic Relationships
Let's remember, I'm a twenty-one-year old girl. 

I have re-played the heart-melting scene from "Becoming Jane" when Tom Lefroy shows up at the ball so many times that my DVD is permanently scratched.
This is why:

He is so romantic.

Relationships further than just friendships are for growth, experience, and ultimately, marriage. It's easy to get caught up in relationships, in Happily-Ever-After's, because as M. Gawain Wells (a clinical psychologist) stated, "It feels good to invest in a relationship. To care. To want to share. To want to give."

And also because marriage is simply that important.
Twenty-nine years ago, the same M. Gawain Wells wrote an article for the LDS church. The article really altered my perspective, as it explained that it is better to move on and look forward to the future eternal relationship, than try to hang on to and suffer through a mediocre, poor, or past relationship.

According to Brother Wells,when one is working through a relationship, they should have the following:
  • Inspiration of the Lord.
  • Communication
  • Genuine interest in each other
  • Shifting in which both partners can look to each other for support and strength
  • Love for God and for yourself. 
  • Honesty and Vulnerabilitiy
  • Belief in your own lovableness.
    "As you develop those abilities, the love in your relationship can be sustained by a mutual conviction that you are loved by each other. Then you can know the delight of being trusted with one another’s ideas and feelings. And you can know the joyous, awesome capacity to give that comes with loving." - M. Gawain Wells 

     Relationship With Yourself
    "Friendship with oneself is all-important because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world." - Eleanor Roosevelt

    It is important to maintain one's health, both mentally and physically. Healthiness in both respects enables us to be more aware, alert, and energetic. Thus we will be able to help serve those around us more fully.
    "When you have a secure, spiritual knowledge of yourself as a child of God, you will find a sense of personal confidence and identity that makes a good relationship possible." 
    M. Gawain Wells

Relationship with God
All of our relationships can bring us closer to our Heavenly Father.  As His children, we have been blessed with talents and qualities that, if developed, will help us become more like Him. As we hearken unto Alma's words, we are reminded that by "small and simple things are great things brought to pass." Thus, in our effort to become closer to and more like our Father in Heaven, we should focus on developing spiritual qualities.

The desire to develop spiritual qualities will lead us away from other unrighteous desires. It will cause us to pray more intently and to be a little more forgiving of our neighbor’s faults. We will love more and criticize less. If we seek personal growth in a Christlike direction, we must make our life’s purpose the acquisition of these spiritual qualities. - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
I know of my Heavenly Father's love for me. He has blessed me with both talents and trials that have helped me become who I am today, and provide further potential growth. Furthermore, he has blessed me with relationships in my life that have given me experience and insights that I would not have gained otherwise. I am grateful for my family and friends, who continue to help me grow and are an additional blessing from God.

Happy Thanksgiving, all.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Public Apology

We are sorry. The past three weeks of blogging have been an EPIC FAILURE.
But we're still working on improving, don't worry!

Soon to come is an introduction of this week's goal.

Love you all.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Novemeber Week 2

Here's the deal. Obviously, we were SO BUSY last week putting our time to things that really matter that we didn't even get the chance to blog about it.

This week, we're pretty much doing the same thing becoming super cultured and interesting people. (It's true!) This week I have had fabulous discussions in my favorite classes (Comms Management and the Int'l Political Economy of Women, in case you were wondering), made my professor weep figuratively as I anchored the news, was accepted into the Washington Seminar program, tried some kind of Southeast Asian food for the first time- and actually enjoyed it, and saw not one but TWO plays. More cultured than yogurt, friends. Also, went to the temple and wrote in my journal for the first time in forever. My life sounds a lot more impressive when I write it out on paper.
(That said, my weekend will consist of a lot more homework.)

I like feeling smart. I like being well-informed (or at least curious) enough to discuss anything that other people are passionate about. I like being up-to-date on what's going on the world, I like analyzing things, and I like to read.
*Currently in DESPERATE search of a good book, especially for the upcoming break.*

The one I always recommend (at least to women) is The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Now someone tell me your favorite in return!!

Two other important things:
I hope you are all making wishes tonight at 11:11 ON 11.11.11. (Also known as Remembrance Day. #weloveBritain. AND the anniversary of last year's HP7 pt. 1 London Premiere where Lauren held hands with Dean Thomas #welovePotter.)

And this. 
It's been circulating around the internet for a couple weeks now, so it's not like you haven't seen it.
But also, there is no better place for it than this blog.